الاثنين، 7 سبتمبر 2020

Pain in psoriatic arthritis and family misunderstanding

One psoriatic arthritis patient was complaining & suffering from lack of emotional 

family support,.... 

This was my comment 

My heart with you, please be patient, we all have passed through this stage, but your family is not against youpersonally, 

it is a matter of lack of knowledge and lack of broad thinking , because media is not talking about us as a catastrophic disease, even doctors deny this pain "partially or totally" at the start of our complaint,  because it is not a well studied disease , it is under estimated even inside the health professional field, most of them don't believe this horrible pain and are not aware about the magnitude of the problem, even rheumatologists! Some of them think we are ok as long as radiology is not showing dramatic bone collapse..we need our sound to reach to all, at least -understanding - not sympathy- may help instead of assuming we are exaggerating.

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